They say they believe in Jesus but deny Christ Ahnsahnghong

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Next on our to prove list : They say they believe in Jesus.

Now let's see everyone claims to believe in Jesus and feel that they are justified by faith. In saying this they do not believe Christ Ahnsahnghong because they feel he is a different Jesus. But Christ Ahnsahnghong is the same Jesus of 2000 years ago with the new name he promised he would bring. Rev. 3:12

So by that same faith these "Christians" proclaim to have, you can see that they don't even believe in Jesus first coming. Now people will often tell you by faith we will enter heaven so they use Rom. 10:9. What I like to call the ( fortune cookie verse ) since it's the only one they can find in 66 books of the bible. What is curious is that the same Jesus also said Matt. 7:21-23. He said not everyone who confesses my name can enter. I guess we have a problem.

Then in reality what is faith? ACTION! James 1:22, 2:14-20, 26. All who were commended for their faith did something to back it up, Heb. 11:2-39. Then Jesus said when he comes again will he find faith on this earth? Luke 18:8 By this he meant will there be anyone doing his will. Then what is it that we must do? luke 22:13-20 "do this in remembrance of me." But they were keeping the passover at this time then what he meant by saying do this is ( keep the passover in remembrance of me) But who keeps the passover established by Jesus Christ? No one. All people keep communion, sacrament, Eucharist, last supper all these that were made up by men whenever they want. Only God has the ability to turn bread and wine into his body and blood spiritually. But when then is the time God commanded? lev. 23:1-5 Even Jesus waited for the appointed time. Matt. 26:18 then we should wait for the appointed time that God commanded so we can receive what God promised.

I can go on for hours but I'm only going to put a few things for lack of time. But as you can see this is not the " Jewish passover " Exo. 12:1-14 But the new covenant passover. So those who don't keep Jesus' passover don't believe in him or what he said. Through the passover he promised us eternal life John 6:53-54. But in 325 ad. It was abolished by roman emperor Constantine. Look it up you will be amazed. Christ Ahnsahnghong brought back the passover that had been abolished. The same one that was set up in Jesus first coming. According to prophecy God is supposed to reestablish the passover of the new covenant and through it we will know who God is. Isa. 25:6-9 A feast, of wine, that eliminates death. ( gives eternal life ) the passover! That is why people will say surely this is our God the one who restore the passover. This is one of the many prophecies Christ Ahnsahnghong has fulfilled that is why we know he is second coming Christ, God in the flesh as 2000 years ago.

But you say you believe in Jesus, when was the last time you kept the Jesus passover at the appointed time?


Daughter of Jerusalem said...

Wow,it's true, many people can not come to understand Christ Ahnsahnghong because they think he is not Jesus Christ. But all the teachings from Christ Ahsahnghong are the same as that of Jesus Christ. He said in Rev3:12, he would come again with a new name, and will remind us of all he had spoken. Meaning all the teachings fom the bible. Christ Ahnsahnghong is God Almighty.

Le0511 said...

Through the Passover we can recognize God, God's name is Christ AhnSahngHong. He brought, He fulfilled, He is.