My friend had asked me this question and I was confused. So I thought, "yeah it's true," but as always I went to the source to study the bible and see if God had an answer. So I asked them, " so if Christ Ahnsahnghong is God then how could he pass away?" They smiled and said, "thats a very good question, lets study about it." What? I thought they would be confused or worried about my question. But theres a study about even that? Yes!!! It was time to study the prophecy of king David that Jesus would fulfill. Hosea. 3:5 But how would seek King David in the last days if this was written long after his death? We can't dig him up from the grave to seek him and receive blessing can we? This can't mean Physical king David but prophetical King David. How do we Know who's prophetical King David? Isaiah. 9:6-7 "Oh, isn't this the prophecy about Jesus?" Luke 1:31-32. "Wow ok so Jesus is the prophetical King David because he is sitting on Davids throne." Then I understood that if Jesus is prophetical King David then I needed to understand what prophetical points of Davids reign did Jesus have to fulfill. 2 samuel 5:3-4 "ok so David was anointed at 30 and he reigned 40 years."Luke
3:21-23 Wow ! I always wondered why Jesus didn't start his ministry sooner it was so that he might fulfill King Davids prophecy. So Jesus was anointed " baptized" At age thirty. But how long did Jesus do his ministry?" Luke 13:6-7 He only preached for three years I thought Jesus should reign for forty years but Jesus only reigned " preached for three, isn't he supposed to fulfill Davids throne?" Then they smiled and said, " If Jesus does not fulfill this point then is he really fulfilling Davids throne?" "Well it doesn't look like it," I said. "But the bible says he should reign as David so when will he fulfill the remaining thirty seven years?" Hebrews 9:28. "Of course! Now it makes sense! Thats why he HAS to come again in the flesh to fulfill the remaining thirty seven years of prophecy no more no less because if he doesn't do that then he can't be 2nd coming christ. So how do I know what person is King David is it just because they have the name David? Or will there be a sign to know it's him?" Isaiah 55:3. Ok David will bring the everlasting covenenat that God has given him. "But what is the everlasting covenent by which I can recognize King David?" Hebrews 13:20. "But whats the covenant thats made with blood?"Luke 22:20 The passover is the new covenant the everlasting covenenat so 2nd coming Christ has to bring and preach th passover for 37 years otherwise he cannot be King David as prophecied. Thats why christ Ahnsahng hong is the 2nd coming Jesus with the "NEW NAME "and they showed me why. So they gave me a summary of christ Ahnsahnghong.
- He was born in 1918.
- He was baptized "annointed" when he was 30 years old.
- He foretold that he would die in 1985, through a religious magazine on Mar. 18, 1981
- He went up to heaven in 1985 the 37th year after being baptized.
They even showed me one of his bibles that had the date of his baptism. That is amazing Christ anhsahnghong is 2nd coming his death just proves even more that he is. I felt ashamed for doubting but now I know if I want to know the truth I have to study the truth at the church of God because there I will get the true answers. Thank christ ahnsahnghong for coming to bring us the passover. He is our King David.
In other for Ahnsahnghong to be true God Almighty He has to die, Also we need to have proof that He is death, otherwise it is not possible to believe that He is the prophetical King David. The Bible testify that when second coming Christ comes He has to reign for 37 yrs and then die. Christ Ahnsahnghong fulfilled not only this prophecy, but also Melchizedek, the Last Adam, and so many more. So, glory and thanks to our Heavenly Father Christ Ahnsahnghong our savior in this last age.
I would like to preface my comment by saying that Isaiah 43 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible--good choice!
Before I started studying about Christ Ahnsahnghong, I had some skeptisim about him dying as well. Actually, the study about King David was one that really impacted me. After seeing the prophesy through the Bible, I could not deny Christ Ahnsahnghong. I recently studied the "Root of David" (Rev 5:1-5) and got even more confirmation. This is the only church that has been able to satisfy my inquisitiveness. Keep studying!
Yeah! When I read this script, I come to agree with you what you has understand through the Bible. I've thought about the Jesus will come a second in the world. He has come already? I want to know about Him more.
The answer is always in the Bible. Without studying the Bible, how could you know the prophecy? Since you didn't know the prophecy, your friend was able to confuse you. It's a good thing that you continued to study about Christ Ahnsahnghong through the Bible. That's how everyone should go about everything they don't understand about Christ Ahnsahnghong, instead of judging what they don't know.
The bible is so complex and intricate, its amazing that Christ Ahnsahnghong's death is testafied there.
I find it kind of strange that just b/c Christ AhnSahngHong died people wouldnt believe He is God even though the Bible testifies. Didnt Jesus Christ die on the cross 2,000 years ago and people still believe he is God? But the Bible says that Christ does everything according to the scriptures and not to what people expect of Him and that's just what Christ AhnSahngHong did..He died according to the Scriptures and proved once again that he is God Almighty, the second coming Christ.
What?! This just gets better and better. Christ Ahnsahnghong fulfilled EVERYTHING exactly how it is described in the Bible. But the best part is how Christ Ahnsahnghong bought back the Passover. Without Passover no one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Amazing! Christ Ahnsahnghong has given us hope and eternal life. Only God can do that. Only Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem has done it. Truley Amazing!
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