They say they believe in Jesus but deny Christ Ahnsahnghong

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Next on our to prove list : They say they believe in Jesus.

Now let's see everyone claims to believe in Jesus and feel that they are justified by faith. In saying this they do not believe Christ Ahnsahnghong because they feel he is a different Jesus. But Christ Ahnsahnghong is the same Jesus of 2000 years ago with the new name he promised he would bring. Rev. 3:12

So by that same faith these "Christians" proclaim to have, you can see that they don't even believe in Jesus first coming. Now people will often tell you by faith we will enter heaven so they use Rom. 10:9. What I like to call the ( fortune cookie verse ) since it's the only one they can find in 66 books of the bible. What is curious is that the same Jesus also said Matt. 7:21-23. He said not everyone who confesses my name can enter. I guess we have a problem.

Then in reality what is faith? ACTION! James 1:22, 2:14-20, 26. All who were commended for their faith did something to back it up, Heb. 11:2-39. Then Jesus said when he comes again will he find faith on this earth? Luke 18:8 By this he meant will there be anyone doing his will. Then what is it that we must do? luke 22:13-20 "do this in remembrance of me." But they were keeping the passover at this time then what he meant by saying do this is ( keep the passover in remembrance of me) But who keeps the passover established by Jesus Christ? No one. All people keep communion, sacrament, Eucharist, last supper all these that were made up by men whenever they want. Only God has the ability to turn bread and wine into his body and blood spiritually. But when then is the time God commanded? lev. 23:1-5 Even Jesus waited for the appointed time. Matt. 26:18 then we should wait for the appointed time that God commanded so we can receive what God promised.

I can go on for hours but I'm only going to put a few things for lack of time. But as you can see this is not the " Jewish passover " Exo. 12:1-14 But the new covenant passover. So those who don't keep Jesus' passover don't believe in him or what he said. Through the passover he promised us eternal life John 6:53-54. But in 325 ad. It was abolished by roman emperor Constantine. Look it up you will be amazed. Christ Ahnsahnghong brought back the passover that had been abolished. The same one that was set up in Jesus first coming. According to prophecy God is supposed to reestablish the passover of the new covenant and through it we will know who God is. Isa. 25:6-9 A feast, of wine, that eliminates death. ( gives eternal life ) the passover! That is why people will say surely this is our God the one who restore the passover. This is one of the many prophecies Christ Ahnsahnghong has fulfilled that is why we know he is second coming Christ, God in the flesh as 2000 years ago.

But you say you believe in Jesus, when was the last time you kept the Jesus passover at the appointed time?

They say they believe in God

Friday, December 14, 2007

And now for the next on our to prove list. THEY SAY THEY BELIEVE IN GOD

Ok let's see. Now to believe in Definition- to have faith in the reliability, honesty, benevolence, etc., of: To have faith, confidence, or trust: accept as true; take to be true; follow a credo( law, rule or belief system. ); have a faith; be a believer;

Now we need to understand there is a huge difference between; "Believe In God" and "Believing God." When most people say "yeah I believe in God " it means" Yeah I believe God exists" But we all know God exists, we are talking to intelligent people here. So what is meant is, "do you believe God."" Gods Word( The bible )" ,"Gods prophecies"," Gods Promises." Now, the question becomes different.
So do todays christians really believe in God? If we believe and love God then we should obey his commands because we believe that we receive what he promised through them.

That is why God says," If you love me you will obey what I command" John 14:15. But most Christians say that all you have to do is have faith and call on his name. But God says " These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is but rules taught by man. "Isa. 29:13
As we can see God is clearly not pleased with man made teachings AKA sunday worship, christmas, easter, communion, lent, ash wednesday, good friday, thanksgiving etc. " I hate I despise your religous feasts. Amos 5:21 God. hates and dispises YOUR religious feasts meaning, the ones created by man. Like the ones I had aforementioned all of those were created by man if you look up the history. So then which ones were established by God? The Sabbath ( on saturday ), The passover ( once a year at the appointed time ), unleavened bread, firstfruits, feast of weeks feast of trumpets, day of atonement and feast of tabernacles. Lev. 23:1-44. These are Gods appointed feasts. But you have probably never heard of these feasts before since no one is keeping them. Then where is the place that theses feasts are being kept? " Look upon zion the city of our festivals your eyes will see Jerusalem ..." Isa. 33:20 Now most people may say that this is old testament law but if you have even an ounce of knowledge of the bible you would know that Jesus came to fulfill the new old testament and establishing the new covenant ( If you did not know it's ok I did not before I knew who Chrisat Ahnsahnghong was either). But because of lack of time I will only show that there is a Zion Gods church in the new testament Heb. 12:22
" But you have come to mount Zion to the heavenly Jerusalem..." But what church keeps these feasts? Only one, The Church of God world mission society established by Christ Ahnsahnghong. Though the name is different understand that Gods teachings are being established before you come to a conclusion. But as we know WHO cammanded us to keep theses feasts? GOD then if we don't keep them what is the result? Rev. 22:18-21 Many plagues, No Heaven. And what kind of people do they end up becoming? Those who don't believe Gods promises, follow Gods commands, obey God, and THOSE WHO DON"T BELIEVE GOD AT ALL.

If your a Christian you can't deny Christ Ahnsahnghong

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I have come to the conclusion that the world is filled with ignorance. Lets begin with todays so called " christians "

  • They say they follow the ten commandments

  • They say they believe in God

  • They say they believe Jesus

  • They say they have salvation ( by faith )

  • They scrutinize Christ Ahnsahnghong

Today we will start with the ten commandments.

They say they follow the ten commandments- Exodus 20:1-17 The Ten Commandments

#2 4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments. ( Thats funny I could have sworn I saw statues an images and crosses in every christian church.)
#3 7 "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.( How often do we hear this one going on it's like part of peoples everyday vocabulary)
#4 8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. ( hmm... seventh day, when I look at the calendar the seventh day is Saturday not sunday and when I look in websters dictionary the definition for Saturday is seventh day how curious...)
#10 17 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."( covet means to desire: oh I wish I had his car, her hair, his partner, their house, his job, his life etc. sound familiar?)

The foundation of every Christian church are the ten commandments every one says " Oh im a good person I don't steal, I don't kill " I have heard that from more then 100 people. Since when did God make only 2 commandments? And if your going to justify that a person is good or bad using the ten commandments, then use exactly that, the (10 )COMMANDMENTS. And if you do use that as your standard, tell me, which Church keeps the sabbath on saturday as God commanded? None? Wow then according to every christians standards they are all bad people huh? It's funny how people like to pick and choose what they like from the bible to follow. As it is written Luke 7:9 "you have a fine way of setting aside the commands of Gods for the sake of your own traditions." The teachings in todays churches are man made traditions. They do not follow the example of Christ or the disciples and Apostles. Because even they kept the Sabbath on Saturday. Then so far every so called christian Church has missed keeping the 10 commandments. But at The Church of God World Mission Society Christ Ahnsahnghong brought back the true Sabbath and taught us how to keep all of Gods commands. Tomorrow we will see about the other things that these Churches that proclaim to follow Jesus do and see the outcome.

Christ Ahnsahnghong whom the bible testifies about.

Friday, December 7, 2007

The bible is written to testify about our savior then by studying the true words of God we can see who our savior is. John 5:39 states that the pharisees and saducees diligently studied the scriptures but they did not come to christ even though the scriptures testified about him. Luke 24: 13 the disciples lost all hope in Jesus and even called him a mere prophet but what did he do to restore their faith? Make miracles? No? Speak in toungues? Not that either? Then how ? THROUGH THE BIBLE! starting with moses and the prophets ( The old testament the bible). WHY? Because the way to prove God is not with miracles but with BIBLE PROPHECY! Matthew 16:4 A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it... God clearly wants to show us not look for miracles but follow the scriptures.

Even the greatest apostle Paul testified through the bible. Acts. 17:2, Acts. 28: 23, Even Apollos Acts 18:28. But did the people actually believe in Jesus even though he was in the bible? Acts24:5 A sect a cult! To the believers of Jesus! Why? Two reasons John 5:45 He says if you don't believe what he ( moses)wrote( gen. exo. lev. num. deut.) how are you going to believe what I say? The jews did not believe the bible because if they did they would believe that Jesus was the messiah because the bible clearly testified about him. No.2 was John 15:18-21... They will treat you this way ( hate and persecution) because of MY NAME for they do not know the one who sent me. Because of his name Jesus (it was no where in the old testament) And because they did not no the one who sent him (God). In the same way now a days no one believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong, but as it is written. Heb. 9:28 ...and he will appear a second time... ( meaning in the flesh second time means same condition as the first time the flesh, human form)... Rev. 3:12 ... and I will also write on him My New Name... clearly Jesus is coming a second time and with a new name, now you choose... red pill or blue pill. If you say you believe in Jesus then prove it. HE said HE will come and with a new name a second time will you believe the bible and accept his new name Christ Ahnsahnghong and find out through the bible or take the blue pill wake up believing whatever YOU want to believe and deny God and his word you choose.

Does the bible testify about Christ Ahnsahnghong?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hey Guys God bless you. It's been such an amazing couple of months and I'm so glad that God had mercy on me and brought me to the church of God world mission society to study his word which can only be found in the bible. But as I continue to study and in my excitement I tell people about the truth, they continue to say that I am crazy and I'm in some cult because I believe in the name of Christ Ahnsahnghong. And it is very frustrating because people speak without having any knowledge or understanding. Just because you've never heard or seen something before does it mean it doesn't exist? NO! "My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge"(Hosea 4:6)But so many Christians say they believe in the bible and they believe in Jesus yet, when you show them the %100 truth of God through the bible they start denying it because they have never heard it before. But if you see it in the bible how can you deny it? You would be rejecting Gods word and that's something that Gods true children don't do. If the bible testifies about Christ Ahnsahnghong being 2nd coming Christ then we should believe what the bible says shouldn't we? Then we need to understand through what has already happened who the bible actually testifies about.By seeing it through the bible we can see that it testifies %1000 percent about Christ Ahnsahnghong. Keep posted.

What's wrong with the name Ahnsahnghong?

Friday, November 30, 2007

You know I love to speak with todays so called "christians" they claim to know and believe God but by their actions they deny God. ( Titus 1:16 )They say that the bible is the word of God but then they say man wrote it. They say you don't have to do anything to go to heaven yet they go to church and tithe. They don't even know why they follow Jesus and cannot even testify him through the scriptures.

It wasn't until coming to The Church of God world Mission society that I realized how foolish even I had been. After studying in Zion the church of God I realized how mistaken I had been in the beginning to doubt Christ Ahnsahnghong. Through the scripture he is God but you would not know it unless you studied the bible. In Zion they can testify every aspect and prophecy that Jesus fulfilled they are the only ones that can prove Jesus through the scripture John 5:39 like the apostles in the New tesatment Acts 17:2-3 But all their teaching come from Christ Ahnsahnghong. Though the name sounds strange and we have never heard of it we can't just deny it because of that. In the old testament Jesus' name is no where to be found then why do we believe in him? It's because the scriptures testify about him. In the same way if Jesus says he will have a new name Revelation 3:12 ... and I will also write on him my new name. then can we say to him no, I like the name Jesus, you can't change your name its wierd I command you. We would have to be crazy! The bible also says he is coming from the east isaiah 46:10-11 but the prophet isaiah wrote that in israel. So it should be east of israel and in the east there are asain countries with people with asian names so if christ comes from there can he still have a Jewish name? It doesn't make sense. As far as I know the one with a new name who comes from the east and reminds us of everything Jesus taught us John4:26 who establishes zion and fulfills all the prophecy he is 2nd coming christ he is God! Christ Ahnsahnghong fulfilled all that and more. So WHY NOT?!

So next time someone approaches me trying to persuade me that im in some cult. First look that word up you will be surprised what you will find. ( cult ) and 2nd you know what? I can prove Chist Ahnsahnghong is second coming christ through the scriptures and 95% of christians can't even prove frist coming Jesus let alone even comprehend his second coming. All I know is that a true christian follows Gods word and thats what I do because thats all that the Church of God World Mission Society teaches.

Is the bride really the church?

Saturday, November 24, 2007

You know since we are on the topic of a Mother God I thought I would share something. When you read the bible in the book of Revelation Ch. 22:17 it says the spirit and the bride give water of life. I have always been told that the bride is the church because we, in many instances, are considered Christs bride. But The Bride in revelation gives water of life meaning eternal life but from studying Gods word I have come to understand that it is only God who can give eternal life. So The Bride would also have to be God not the church. And even if you look right before it Revelation 21:9-10 it says that the bride is actually the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven. This bride the new Jerusalem is coming down out of heaven but the church is on earth so it can't be the same thing. Then if The Bride the new Jerusalem is coming down out of heaven it means she is coming to the earth. But the book of revelation is talking about the last days then that means the New Jerusalem should come out of heaven in the last days. Then who is she? If the spirit is Father God and his bride should be our Mother then the bible should testify that Jerusalem is our Mother shouldn't it? Galatians 4:26. It says the Jerusalem that is above ( heaven) is free and she is our Mother! It does testify about it!!!! In the apostolic age she is in heaven but in the last days she is coming down out of heaven to give us water of life thats amazing!!! I thank Christ Ahnsahnghong and the church of God world mission society for teaching me all the deep secrets of the bible from the bible.

If Ahnsahnghong is our Father then, is there a Mother God?

Friday, November 16, 2007

I always wondered why was God called Father and us children of God then that must mean there is someone missing don't you think?Romans 21:9.

When we look at everything in this world if it has a Father and children there is always a Mother. And in Genesis 1:26 God said let us. What do you think this means?...

Ahnsahnghong could he be our God?

Monday, November 12, 2007

WOW! I cant believe how much I've learned! So many people say they are Christians yet don't follow Christ it just doesn't make sense. The bible clearly testifies about Jesus 1st coming but if you can't believe his first how can you believe in his 2nd coming. Most people don't even realize the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled in order that we may call him our savior. They only follow the crowd like blind sheep even though they will be fed to wolves .Yet the only place I have ever seen it explained through the bible is in the church of God. The strange thing is that I always wondered where or which the right church was. Every church says they follow Jesus but which is the church where God dwells. Hebrews 12:22. Apostle Paul told the other Christians that the place ( church) they had come to was Zion Even Jesus when he comes in the last days will be standing in Zion, Revelation 14:1. But what is the definition of Zion where the true Church is? Does it mean the physical place in Palestine or something different? Isaiah 33:20. So wherever Gods appointed feast are kept that is Zion! But what are Gods feasts if we look at Leviticus 23:1-44 we will find that it consists of passover and Sabbath which are kept in the church of God. But who is supposed to establish Zion? Psalms 87:5 God himself is supposed to but Christ Ahnsahnghong established it then if only God can restore it but Christ Ahnsahnghong restored it then according to the bible he is God. Thats amazing!

If Ahnsahnghong is Christ then why did he die?

Friday, November 9, 2007

My friend had asked me this question and I was confused. So I thought, "yeah it's true," but as always I went to the source to study the bible and see if God had an answer. So I asked them, " so if Christ Ahnsahnghong is God then how could he pass away?" They smiled and said, "thats a very good question, lets study about it." What? I thought they would be confused or worried about my question. But theres a study about even that? Yes!!! It was time to study the prophecy of king David that Jesus would fulfill. Hosea. 3:5 But how would seek King David in the last days if this was written long after his death? We can't dig him up from the grave to seek him and receive blessing can we? This can't mean Physical king David but prophetical King David. How do we Know who's prophetical King David? Isaiah. 9:6-7 "Oh, isn't this the prophecy about Jesus?" Luke 1:31-32. "Wow ok so Jesus is the prophetical King David because he is sitting on Davids throne." Then I understood that if Jesus is prophetical King David then I needed to understand what prophetical points of Davids reign did Jesus have to fulfill. 2 samuel 5:3-4 "ok so David was anointed at 30 and he reigned 40 years."Luke
3:21-23 Wow ! I always wondered why Jesus didn't start his ministry sooner it was so that he might fulfill King Davids prophecy. So Jesus was anointed " baptized" At age thirty. But how long did Jesus do his ministry?" Luke 13:6-7 He only preached for three years I thought Jesus should reign for forty years but Jesus only reigned " preached for three, isn't he supposed to fulfill Davids throne?" Then they smiled and said, " If Jesus does not fulfill this point then is he really fulfilling Davids throne?" "Well it doesn't look like it," I said. "But the bible says he should reign as David so when will he fulfill the remaining thirty seven years?" Hebrews 9:28. "Of course! Now it makes sense! Thats why he HAS to come again in the flesh to fulfill the remaining thirty seven years of prophecy no more no less because if he doesn't do that then he can't be 2nd coming christ. So how do I know what person is King David is it just because they have the name David? Or will there be a sign to know it's him?" Isaiah 55:3. Ok David will bring the everlasting covenenat that God has given him. "But what is the everlasting covenent by which I can recognize King David?" Hebrews 13:20. "But whats the covenant thats made with blood?"Luke 22:20 The passover is the new covenant the everlasting covenenat so 2nd coming Christ has to bring and preach th passover for 37 years otherwise he cannot be King David as prophecied. Thats why christ Ahnsahng hong is the 2nd coming Jesus with the "NEW NAME "and they showed me why. So they gave me a summary of christ Ahnsahnghong.

  • He was born in 1918.
  • He was baptized "annointed" when he was 30 years old.
  • He foretold that he would die in 1985, through a religious magazine on Mar. 18, 1981
  • He went up to heaven in 1985 the 37th year after being baptized.

They even showed me one of his bibles that had the date of his baptism. That is amazing Christ anhsahnghong is 2nd coming his death just proves even more that he is. I felt ashamed for doubting but now I know if I want to know the truth I have to study the truth at the church of God because there I will get the true answers. Thank christ ahnsahnghong for coming to bring us the passover. He is our King David.

Who is Christ Ahnsahnghong?

Thursday, November 1, 2007

When I first attended the Church of God that was one of my questions. Everything i was shown so far was through the bible every truth was undeniable. They didn't answer any questions without going to a verse and I was amazed. So many people attend church and study the bible but who ever actually answered the questions? Even so When I heard the name of Ahnsahnghong I was a little wierded out. Even so I was smart enough to stay because if they teach everything from the bible it had to be in there somewhere. So I was patient even though I said, "I thought we were supposed to praise jesus?" Then again they turned to the bible. Hebrews 9:28 " and he will appear a second time not to bear sin but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him." "Bring salvation? I thought we already were saved?" I asked. " Appear a second time... that means same condition as the first... but the first time he came in the flesh... I thought to myself. "so the second time is not in the clouds but in the flesh?" I asked then they showed me Revelation 3:11" I am coming soon hold on to what you have so that no one will take your crown." 3:12 " Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, The new Jerusalem, which coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name. OMG! Jesus will have a new name?! Why would he need a new name if he is coming in the sky he has to come as one of us which means he can take any other name except Jesus... so it still is Jesus only with a new name? But how do i know if it is really him?...